advanced adj. 1.前进的,先驱的;高等的,高深的。 2.先进的。 3.(年纪)老的,(夜)深的。 most advanced branches of science and technology 尖端科学技术。 rather an advanced young woman 较先进的妇女。 a man advanced in years 老年人。 advanced age 高龄。 advanced grammar 高等语法。 advanced ideas 进步思想。 advanced post 前哨。 advanced studies 高等[先进]的学术研究。 a culturally advanced country 高度文明的国家。
application n. 1.适用,应用;运用。 2.申请,请求;申请表格。 3.勤勉,用功。 4.敷用;敷用药。 a written application 申请书。 an application for admission (to a school) 入学申请。 fill out an application 填写申请表。 He shows very little application to his study. 他不用功,不勤学。 a man of close application 勤奋的人,专心一意的人。 a point of application 作用点,施力点。 for external [internal] application 外用[内用](药)。 make an for (help) to (sb.) 请求(某人)(帮助)。 on application (to) (向…)提出要求 (A list of new books will be sent on application to the publisher. 新书目录,可向出版者函索)。
E - government is the popular issue of it application . developed countries with advanced it application are implementing e - government 信息化程度较高的发达国家都在积极进行电子政务的探讨与实施。